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Can Blacks Afford the New Sickle Cell Cure?
Living with sickle cell disease is challenging. Patients like Kourtney Cunningham experience extreme pain episodes each month, leading to frequent

What is racial concordance and why is it important?
Racial concordance, also known as racial matching, refers to the phenomenon of patients receiving medical care from healthcare providers who

Racial concordance, also known as racial or ethnic matching, refers to the alignment of the race or ethnicity of healthcare providers and patients.
Here are the top 5 benefits of racial concordance: Improved communication: Racial concordance can lead to better communication between physicians

W.H.Y.S Launches New Website Aimed at Addressing Racial Concordance in Minority Communities.
W.H.Y.S (We Hear You Sister), a healthcare organization committed to promoting health equity and empowering individuals to take control of